Friday, April 27, 2012

Prom Season and Summer: Make sure your skin is prepared!

With Prom season upon us and summer quickly approaching, it's time to discuss the dangers of tanning and why it's important to protect our skin.  I'm going to cite a couple of articles about people who found out late that their tanning habits were affecting their health in the worst possible way:  Glenna Kohl died at the age of 26 from melanoma, and Kelli Pedroia (yes, Dustin Pedroia's wife) had three occurrences of melanoma before she finally called it quits on tanning. 

I'm no stranger to the sun, though I try to remember to wear SPF every day and stay out of the direct sun during peak hours.  I also have a membership to Planet Fitness, and my gym has 6 tanning rooms available to members.  I've never used one, but I have seen an uptick in use by teenage girls who may be readying themselves for their Prom dresses.  I know everyone wants a gorgeous glow, but we must keep in mind the dangers associated with tanning, particularly skin cancer.    

"Studies have shown that exposure to UV rays can trigger changes to the DNA in skin cells that may lead to cancerous growths. The two most common types of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, are almost always linked to UV exposure. And 90 percent of cases of the less common but more deadly form, melanoma, also are attributed to UV exposure, says Darrell S. Rigel, MD, a professor of clinical dermatology at New York University."  (Source)  In addition, the Melanoma Foundation of New England, indoor-tanning before the age of 30 increases a person's melanoma risk by 75%.

The standard advice is still the same:  Wear sunscreen every day, don't use tanning booths, and have any suspicious or changing moles/marks checked out by your doctor or dermatologist.  Cosmopolitan also published an article in their 3rd annual Practice Safe Sun section with new skin-related breakthroughs (I've copied and pasted the information, as I don't think it needs any editing):

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 1: Your body has another cancer danger zone.

Your legs are the number one spot where melanoma strikes. But a new study found that women are also much more likely to develop melanoma on the chest, stomach, and back than they were a generation ago. “Because of low-rise jeans and halter tops, a woman’s middle racks up exposure to the sun like never before,” explains Georgetown University Hospital dermatologist Sandra Read. Just as you slather sunscreen with an SPF of 15 on your legs and arms, rub it onto your midsection as well.

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 2: There’s a new letter to look out for.

The ABCD guide has long been the standard in determining if a suspicious spot merits a derm’s attention. But recently, a new letter was added: E, for evolving.

B: An irregular BORDER
C: More than two COLORS
D: A DIAMETER wider than a pencil

In other words, any change, even if it doesn’t fall into the ABCD categories, could indicate cancer. “If it gets bigger but is still smaller than a pencil eraser or bleeds or itches, tell your derm,” says Albert Lefkovits, MD, associate clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in NYC. (Here's a guide for doing a skin self-check every month - Cosmopolitan.)
SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 3: A healthy meal makes a difference.

Nonmelanoma skin-cancer patients whose diets contained only 20 percent fat were less likely to develop actinic keratosis — a precancerous lesion on or under the skin — than those whose diets contained 40 percent fat, reports a study. “Study authors looked at people who already had skin cancer, but it seems fair to assume that a low-fat diet can be protective for everyone,” says Saint Petersburg, Florida, dermatologist James Spencer. Fruits and vegetables should also be part of your meal plan. Another study discovered that people who ate the highest amounts of fruits and veggies were 54 percent less likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma. Aim for the USDA-suggested five servings per day.

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 4: HPV is a skin-cancer culprit.

You know human papillomavirus (HPV) as a sexually transmitted disease that may lead to genital warts and even cervical cancer. But a study from Dartmouth Medical School suggests that some types of HPV may be a risk factor for squamous cell carcinoma. While squamous cell is rarely deadly and usually doesn’t spread deeper into your body the way melanoma can, it’s still the big C. And scarily, rates of this skin-cancer type have increased four-fold in women under 40. Other types of HPV produce body warts — which some derms believe may be a skin-cancer risk factor. “Patients I’ve seen with a history of warts around the fingernails have developed skin cancer in the same area,” says David Leffell, MD, professor of dermatology at Yale School of Medicine. “If you have a persistent wart on your fingertip, get it checked.”

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 5: Caffeine can repair damaged skin.

Women who consume six or more cups of coffee daily are 30 percent less likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma (like squamous cell, it’s a common though not usually lethal form of skin cancer), according to new research. That means six 8-ounce cups of joe or three grande-size coffees or coffee drinks per day. “Animal studies suggest that caffeine encourages UV damaged skin cells to commit suicide,” says Allan Conney, PhD, director of Rutgers University’s Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research. In other words, the damage accrued from previous sunburns can be undone to a certain extent by caffeine, allowing new, healthy cells to take their place. The same research showed that each 8-ounce cup a woman drank daily was associated with a 5 percent decrease in nonmelanoma skin-cancer risk.

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 6: Your acne meds and other drugs may help fry your skin.

Such zit-zapping medications as tetracycline, doxycycline, and Accutane — which are prescribed to millions of women to combat acne — and antibiotics like Cipro, which are used to treat urinary tract and other common infections, have a little-known side effect: They make skin burn more easily by leaving it more sensitive to UV rays. Even one skin-frying session increases your cancer risk, says Dr. Lefkovits. Antidepressants like doxepin and antianxiety drugs like Xanax also boost your odds. If you use any of these meds, it’s ultracrucial to get into the daily SPF habit, even if you’ll only be outdoors for five minutes.

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 7: A long commute sets you up for sun damage.

UVA rays pass right through your car’s side and back windows, penetrating your skin and eventually triggering fine lines, spots, and even skin cancer. No surprise then that researchers from the Saint Louis University School of Medicine recently found that the more hours drivers clocked in their cars, the more likely they were to develop left-sided skin cancers on their head, neck, arms, and hands. You can get UV filtering film for your car windows (about $250). An easier solution: Apply sunscreen before getting behind the wheel.

SUN-SAFE BREAKTHROUGH 8: Stress and skin cancer share a connection.

Research from Ohio State University shows that stress may up your vulnerability to skin cancer. “This study suggests that if your immune system is down, your body is less able to repair damage done to cells from UV exposure,” explains Tom Mammone, PhD, executive director of research and development for Clinique.

SUN-SCREEN BREAKTHROUGH 9: Got red hair? Beware.

Conventional wisdom has it that the fairer your skin is, the more prone you are to skin cancer. However, hair color may be an even bigger tip-off. A Harvard Medical School study links the gene that gives people red hair to an increased risk of skin cancer over blonds and brunettes. “We think that redheads have a certain type of melanin — the chemical that gives skin its natural color — that triggers cellular damage when it comes into contact with UV rays,” explains Dr. Leffell. If you have red hair, be extra vigilant when you’re outdoors.

Read more: Sun Safety Tips - Tips for Healthy Skin - Cosmopolitan 
And, as always, here are a few tips for using sunscreen:

Look for an SPF of at least 15. The SPF number tells you how long the sunscreen protects you, compared to the length of time it would take you to get burned without sunscreen. (For example, if your skin turns red after 20 minutes, SPF 15 keeps you from getting lobsterlike 15 times longer or five hours.)

Make sure it has UVA protection as well as UVB. Check the ingredient list for zinc oxide or titanium dioxide; both physically block UVA and UVB rays. Or look for a chemical sunscreen with avobenzone (also known as Parsol 1789) or the recently approved Mexoryl, which absorb UVA rays.

Squeeze out a shot glass-size amount. Coat your skin in a thin, even layer. If you can, put it on when you’re naked so you don’t miss a spot.

Reapply every two hours you’re outside, even if you’re using a so-called waterproof sunscreen. These typically wear off just as fast as the regular type.
Source: James Spencer, MD

Remember - we are our own first line of defense against cancer. 
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